I have been into Hip Hop/Rap for most of my life. As I told you before I used to listen to it at school before I’d go to class. Since I like Hip Hop I have decided for my 2nd research Blog to get some books from the library and find out about the History of Hip Hop.
Hip Hop started in the Early 70’s in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Hip Hop was very much helped to become what it is today by African culture as slaves tried hard to keep parts of their culture alive among these traditions of dance and music (Walters, Rosa 2007) In the early 70’s Gang violence and drugs were a big problem. Hip Hop rose out of the gang dominated streets and Gangs are still defining features of Hip-hop, particularly territorialism and the tradition of battling. (Fricke, J and Ahearn, C 2002) Along with the music of Hip Hop come other things that define this culture - Graffiti, DJ’s, MC’s, Break Dancing (B-Boys an B Girls). All these things are very much apart of Hip Hop and still are today. From graffiti style album covers and walls to break dancing competition. Hip hop is not just music, it is a culture of all these things combined Even words are spoken and spelt differently in the Hip Hop Culture. (International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) See the table below.
English Mainstream , Hip Hop Alteration , IPA
Brother , Brotha , “Br-the (E is meant to be upside down)
Deft , Def , ‘Def
Disrespecting/Dissing , Dissin , Dis-‘sin
Gangster , Gangsta , ‘Gan-ste (E is meant to be upside down)
Rapping , Rappin , ‘Rap-,pin
Fat , Phat , ‘Fat
Sister , Sista , ‘Sis-te (E is meant to be upside down)
Skills , Skillz , ‘Skilz
Whack , Wack , ‘Wak
(Keyes L. Cheryl 2002 pg xxv)
The Rap music concept first evolved among itinerant DJ’s known as Mobile or street DJ’s who would mix pre-recorded hits alternately on two turntables while reciting into a microphone party phrases (Keyes L. Cheryl 2002). The first person to have a European Hip Hop Tour was Hip Hop Pioneer Afrika Bambaataa. Afrika Bambaataa is considered to be the godfather of Rap. Hip Hop today still contains many of these features. Hip Hop/Rap music can be defined as a musical form that makes use of rhyme, rhythmic speech and street vernacular, which is recited or loosely chanted over a musical soundtrack. This is just a small in site to the history of Hip Hop
Reference: (Keyes Cheryl L. Rap Music & Street Consciousness Illinois University of Illinons Press ,2002)
(Waters Rosa Hip Hop: A Short History Pennsylvania : Mason Crest ,2007)
(Fricke J & Ahearn C The Expenence Music Project: Oral History of Hip Hop’s First Decade Canbridge: Perseus Books ,2002 )
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